Sunday, August 17, 2008


I don't know about you, but when I was preparing to go off to college all my "christian" mentors and friends warned me about the dangers of college. Someone even got me a book called "A Christian's Guide to Surviving College" or something like that. "What out for those liberal professors," everyone would say, or "make sure you find good christian friends, it's easier to be pulled down than it is to pull someone up."
My youth leaders, ministers, nosey people just seemed very concerned that college did nothing but corrupt kids' souls. I think though they were scared that in college young people may actually learn to think and to question and learn to look behind the curtain, and then they'd see that the God they had been shown all their lives was nothing more than Pastor Steve playing behind a curtain. It is a control thing really. They didn't want me going off to college where they couldn't filter the message so they tried to scare me. "Don't backslide you've come so far" they would say. "Find a good church, keep reading your Max Lucado, and don't trust everything your professors say, they are godless teaching machines."
Well I did go to college and I stayed brainwashed for awhile until I finally broke out of their controlling grasps. I wrote this song about the experience of going to college and "backsliding" despite my church's desperate attempts to keep me on what they would consider the "highroad"

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